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Somos uma associação recreativa, sem fins lucrativos, representativa dos empregados dos Correios, lotados na circunscrição da DR/SPM. Nossa missão é prestar serviços de esportes, lazer, cultura e integração ao associado e seus familiares, proporcionando qualidade de vida e trabalhando com respeito e responsabilidade.

  • Colônias de Férias
  • Sede Social e Esportiva
  • Convênios
  • Plano Odontológico
  • Plano de Saúde
  • Seguro de Vida
    Our Services

    The Best Solutions for BestBusiness Services Solutions

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    Online Security
    Your website should be your most effective sales tool, but most clients won’t even last a minute.
    Website Audit
    Your website should be your most effective sales tool, but most clients won’t even last a minute.
    Strategic Planning
    Your website should be your most effective sales tool, but most clients won’t even last a minute.
    eCommerce Solution
    Your website should be your most effective sales tool, but most clients won’t even last a minute.
    Why Choose Us

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    Amet consectur adipiscing elit sed eiusmod ex tempor incididunt labore dolore magna aliquaenim ad minim veniam.

    All cash received from sales and from all other sources has to be carefully identified....
    Idea Generate
    All cash received from sales and from all other sources has to be carefully identified....
    All cash received from sales and from all other sources has to be carefully identified....
    Success Business
    All cash received from sales and from all other sources has to be carefully identified....

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    Amet consectur adipiscing elit sed eiusmod ex tempor incididunt labore dolore magna aliquaenim ad minim veniam.